Sunday, April 6, 2008

How To Create A Partnership

Partnership refers to an artificial caused by & 39; send act of cooperation and joint interests, the & 39; industry or capital d & 39; at least two or more persons, mainly to serve or to practice a certain activity of the company or & 39;. In a partnership, which act as a partner & 39, and the other in partnership. Each partner is determined by the actions and representations, through its partner in the treatment of transactions with third parties and persons.
Partnership training can take different forms, depending on how the partners are agreed that & 39; and l &; 39; fulfilling their goals and objects. & 39; There is no fixed settings, and strictly in terms of the formalities for the formation of a partnership & 39;. The King of partnership, which is closely linked with the type of liability is & 39; a partner. As a rule, the liability of the Partnership is also the personal responsibility of each partner. However, the agreement on partnership can specify what kind of responsibility, the companies & 39; of each partner is required to make a & 39;. One partner, a company with limited liability, which means only that it & 39; n & 39; is not obliged to answer, the debts of the partnership on their interest or for the contribution. It can not be held responsible personally for the debt partnership. In a partnership, however, it is a rule established that despite the limited notion of responsibility, a partnership should always have at least one partner & 39; general, the responsibility in the partnership expense.
Moreover personal, one partner can not only money or & 39 d & 39; capital contribution. It can also own industry in the framework of the partnership. In contrast to a large partner, an industrial partner is not obligated can be personally liable partnership. But despite the wide-ranging obligations for the various types of partners from d & 39; a partnership, partnership & 39; creditors, as well as for people who run a partnership remains fully protected.
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